Art Soc
To continue to establish Art Society within the university, and to continue to build up art supplies and our own funds. Sustain a creative space for university students where they can continue to develop their skills and motivation for art. Contribute to university life and the local community with artistic expression.

Art Society is an established society within the university, a place for students to have a creative outlet and build their own artistic skills be it through workshops and classes or experimentation in our fun art events. Many students may have art qualifications already, so it's important that coming to this uni doesn't mean they have to drop all their enthusiasm for it as there was no place for them to practice art. This is the mere baseline objective to provide a sustained art space at the university. Moreover, ArtSoc all encompassing, doing collaborations with other societies, covering photography, art history, life modelling, craft.. the list is endless due to the sheer scope art covers. Art has a huge place to make contributions to the local community, with ideas of working on artwork for the underpass, working with schools and galleries as well as with university projects. ArtSoc highlights the creative talent of surrey students with themed exhibitions and art events to showcase student work and value the work our students have created as well as it being a fun gallery type experience for all students to enjoy.


- An environment for creativity and artistic expression and collaboration
- A vessel to learn and educate others with art
- Art therapy and mental wellbeing
- A social outlet for like-minded artists
